Chetumal, Mexico! We can see Belize from our own backyard.

Things were getting pretty excited again as we prepared to make our first border crossing into Central America. Leaving Mexico behind and going to Belize. Checking our paper work, passport, vehicle docs and so on, there was a little anxiety in the air. Almost so much worry about crossing the border that we didn’t give Chetumal the full tour that it rightly deserved. The city is situated on the western side of Chetumal Bay, near the mouth of the Rio Hondo. Chetumal is an important port for the region and operates as Mexico’s main trading gateway with the neighboring country of Belize. Goods are transported via a road connecting Chetumal with Belize to the south.

But before we get to far ahead of ourselves,with the border crossing and all, we have to tell you about our unexpected encounter in Chetumal tomorrow.

Published by Central America Overland Expeditions

We have two Land Rover Discoverys and enjoy driving and exploring Central America via 4x4 overland. We're two husband and wife teams that call the road our home. come along and enjoy the journey the journey with us.

One thought on “Chetumal, Mexico! We can see Belize from our own backyard.

  1. I hope you did not overlook Bacalar, a Pueblo Magico located on the shores of Lake Bacalar (the Lake of Seven Colours) about 30 minutes north of Chetumal. If you missed it this time, you must check it out on your next trip: tour the old Spanish fort, swim in a cenote, kayak Lake Bacalar…

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